WinSpeed-3 CROSSROADS RACING PIGEON CLUB 10/06/19-14:47 Champion Bird Report (Customize Points) Page 1 Open and Junior Category Old and Young Birds Champion Bird includes: Hens & Cocks A & B & C Releases Calculated on Short & Middle & Long Distance Races 1. 19589 AU 19 AVI BC H 390.0 Pts 4 race(s) 880 Miles P & T Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 2/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/154 Miles/ 99.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 5/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/190 Miles/ 96.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 3/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/238 Miles/ 98.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 4/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/298 Miles/ 97.0 Pts 2. 13 AU 19 FLYBA BC C 354.0 Pts 4 race(s) 901 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 13/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 88.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 7/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 94.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 15/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/243 Miles/ 86.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 15/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/303 Miles/ 86.0 Pts 3. 9031 AU 19 FDY BC H 345.0 Pts 4 race(s) 880 Miles P & T Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 4/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/154 Miles/ 97.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 28/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/190 Miles/ 73.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 24/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/238 Miles/ 77.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 3/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/298 Miles/ 98.0 Pts 4. 3 AU 19 HOOSI BLK C 336.0 Pts 4 race(s) 901 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 27/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 74.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 17/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 84.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 19/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/243 Miles/ 82.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 5/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/303 Miles/ 96.0 Pts 5. 33 AU 19 FRAK BB H 331.0 Pts 4 race(s) 912 Miles Full Send Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 19/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/162 Miles/ 82.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 36/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/198 Miles/ 65.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 17/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/246 Miles/ 84.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 1/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/306 Miles/ 100.0 Pts 6. 702 AU 19 CRP RED C 329.0 Pts 4 race(s) 906 Miles J. Swalls Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 26/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/160 Miles/ 75.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 4/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/196 Miles/ 97.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 21/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/245 Miles/ 80.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 24/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/304 Miles/ 77.0 Pts 7. 4607 AU 19 FOYS BC H 323.0 Pts 4 race(s) 869 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 49/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 52.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 20/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/187 Miles/ 81.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 5/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/235 Miles/ 96.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 7/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/295 Miles/ 94.0 Pts 8. 4609 AU 19 AA BC H 318.0 Pts 4 race(s) 880 Miles P & T Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 5/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/154 Miles/ 96.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 38/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/190 Miles/ 63.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 29/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/238 Miles/ 72.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 14/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/298 Miles/ 87.0 Pts 9. 26859 AU 19 FOYS BB H 286.0 Pts 4 race(s) 869 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 36/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 65.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 31/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/187 Miles/ 70.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 30/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/235 Miles/ 71.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 21/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/295 Miles/ 80.0 Pts 10. 30936 AU 19 ARPU BB H 282.0 Pts 3 race(s) 750 Miles Full Send Loft -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 1/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/198 Miles/ 100.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 2/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/246 Miles/ 99.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 18/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/306 Miles/ 83.0 Pts 11. 14 AU 19 FAMPF BC H 279.0 Pts 3 race(s) 598 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 8/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 93.0 Pts CHAMPION BIRD REPORT(WinSpeed - 3) page 2 -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 8/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 93.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 8/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/243 Miles/ 93.0 Pts 12. 351 AU 19 SWAL SB C 277.0 Pts 4 race(s) 906 Miles FIVE S LOFT -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 38/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/160 Miles/ 63.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 48/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/196 Miles/ 53.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 25/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/245 Miles/ 76.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 16/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/304 Miles/ 85.0 Pts 13. 865 AU 19 BEL GRIZ H 271.0 Pts 3 race(s) 598 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 7/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 94.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 9/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 92.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 16/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/243 Miles/ 85.0 Pts 14. 50093 IF 19 E GRIZ H 269.0 Pts 4 race(s) 906 Miles FIVE S LOFT -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 58/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/160 Miles/ 43.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 46/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/196 Miles/ 55.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 23/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/245 Miles/ 78.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 8/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/304 Miles/ 93.0 Pts 15. 9921 AU 19 FDY BC H 254.0 Pts 3 race(s) 714 Miles Full Send Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 21/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/162 Miles/ 80.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 9/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/246 Miles/ 92.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 19/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/306 Miles/ 82.0 Pts 16. 676 AU 19 CRP BB H 250.0 Pts 3 race(s) 709 Miles J. Swalls Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 31/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/160 Miles/ 70.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 20/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/245 Miles/ 81.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 2/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/304 Miles/ 99.0 Pts 17. 123 AU 19 FAMP BB C 248.0 Pts 3 race(s) 574 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 14/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 87.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 27/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/187 Miles/ 74.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 14/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/235 Miles/ 87.0 Pts 18. 627 AU 19 CRP BCWF H 243.0 Pts 3 race(s) 714 Miles Full Send Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 41/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/162 Miles/ 60.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 7/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/246 Miles/ 94.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 12/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/306 Miles/ 89.0 Pts 19. 4602 AU 19 FOYS BBSP C 241.0 Pts 3 race(s) 574 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 33/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 68.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 25/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/187 Miles/ 76.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 4/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/235 Miles/ 97.0 Pts 20. 19052 AU 19 TOR BB C 238.0 Pts 3 race(s) 598 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 15/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 86.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 18/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 83.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 32/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/243 Miles/ 69.0 Pts 21. 2330 AU 19 ILL GRIZ C 234.0 Pts 3 race(s) 598 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 17/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 84.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 19/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 82.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 33/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/243 Miles/ 68.0 Pts 22. 9012 AU 19 FDY BB H 234.0 Pts 3 race(s) 592 Miles Frakes Family Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 1/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/157 Miles/ 100.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 50/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/193 Miles/ 51.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 18/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/242 Miles/ 83.0 Pts 23. 4 AU 19 FLYB DC H 232.0 Pts 3 race(s) 601 Miles J. Swalls Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 42/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/160 Miles/ 59.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 2/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/196 Miles/ 99.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 27/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/245 Miles/ 74.0 Pts 24. 681 AU 19 CRP BB C 229.0 Pts 3 race(s) 633 Miles tbirdloft CHAMPION BIRD REPORT(WinSpeed - 3) page 3 -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 20/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 81.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 45/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/187 Miles/ 56.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 9/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/295 Miles/ 92.0 Pts 25. 4603 AU 19 AA BCSP C 225.0 Pts 3 race(s) 606 Miles Full Send Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 28/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/162 Miles/ 73.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 40/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/198 Miles/ 61.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 10/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/246 Miles/ 91.0 Pts 26. 1919 AU 19 RI BC C 221.0 Pts 3 race(s) 657 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 11/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 90.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 51/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 50.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 20/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/303 Miles/ 81.0 Pts 27. 5035 AU 19 HAMM BCPD H 220.0 Pts 3 race(s) 657 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 56/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 45.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 16/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 85.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 11/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/303 Miles/ 90.0 Pts 28. 9024 AU 19 FOYS SB H 214.0 Pts 3 race(s) 574 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 37/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 64.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 30/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/187 Miles/ 71.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 22/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/235 Miles/ 79.0 Pts 29. 952 AU 19 MRPC BB H 212.0 Pts 3 race(s) 582 Miles P & T Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 55/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/154 Miles/ 46.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 35/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/190 Miles/ 66.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 1/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/238 Miles/ 100.0 Pts 30. 677 AU 19 CRP BB H 211.0 Pts 3 race(s) 592 Miles Frakes Family Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 32/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/157 Miles/ 69.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 34/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/193 Miles/ 67.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 26/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/242 Miles/ 75.0 Pts 31. 1253 AU 19 GBG BLK H 209.0 Pts 3 race(s) 690 Miles P & T Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 53/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/154 Miles/ 48.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 28/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/238 Miles/ 73.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 13/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/298 Miles/ 88.0 Pts 32. 20547 AU 19 FOYS BB C 202.0 Pts 3 race(s) 666 Miles Full Send Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 35/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/162 Miles/ 66.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 44/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/198 Miles/ 57.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 22/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/306 Miles/ 79.0 Pts 33. 9010 AU 19 FDY GRIZ C 184.0 Pts 2 race(s) 351 Miles Frakes Family Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 6/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/157 Miles/ 95.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 12/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/193 Miles/ 89.0 Pts 34. 9025 AU 19 FDY BLK C 183.0 Pts 2 race(s) 354 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 9/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 92.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 10/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 91.0 Pts 35. 24 AU 19 CRP BLK C 178.0 Pts 2 race(s) 351 Miles Frakes Family Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 3/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/157 Miles/ 98.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 21/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/193 Miles/ 80.0 Pts 36. 359 AU 19 MALON BB C 176.0 Pts 2 race(s) 354 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 12/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 89.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 14/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 87.0 Pts 37. 9009 AU 19 PPH BB H 168.0 Pts 2 race(s) 354 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 10/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 91.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 24/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 77.0 Pts 38. 1950 IF 19 FJT BB C 166.0 Pts 2 race(s) 354 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 30/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 71.0 Pts CHAMPION BIRD REPORT(WinSpeed - 3) page 4 -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 6/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 95.0 Pts 39. 30935 AU 19 ARPU BB H 166.0 Pts 2 race(s) 392 Miles P & T Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 23/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/154 Miles/ 78.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 13/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/238 Miles/ 88.0 Pts 40. 379 AU 19 MALO BB C 165.0 Pts 2 race(s) 405 Miles J. Swalls Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 25/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/160 Miles/ 76.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 12/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/245 Miles/ 89.0 Pts 41. 581 AU 19 NSL BC H 156.0 Pts 2 race(s) 357 Miles J. Swalls Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 43/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/160 Miles/ 58.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 3/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/196 Miles/ 98.0 Pts 42. 1906 AU 19 RI BC C 154.0 Pts 2 race(s) 501 Miles FIVE S LOFT -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 42/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/196 Miles/ 59.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 6/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/304 Miles/ 95.0 Pts 43. 39280 AU 19 ARPU BBWF H 151.0 Pts 2 race(s) 446 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 34/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 67.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 17/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/295 Miles/ 84.0 Pts 44. 72802 AU 19 ARPU BB C 150.0 Pts 2 race(s) 338 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 29/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 72.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 23/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/187 Miles/ 78.0 Pts 45. 9104 AU 19 IND BB H 149.0 Pts 2 race(s) 416 Miles Morgan Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 47/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/166 Miles/ 54.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 6/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/249 Miles/ 95.0 Pts 46. 2325 AU 19 ILL BB H 148.0 Pts 2 race(s) 338 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 39/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 62.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 15/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/187 Miles/ 86.0 Pts 47. 72838 AU 19 ARPU BB H 144.0 Pts 2 race(s) 441 Miles FIVE S LOFT -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 47/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/196 Miles/ 54.0 Pts -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 11/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/245 Miles/ 90.0 Pts 48. 628 AU 19 CRP BC H 143.0 Pts 2 race(s) 488 Miles P & T Loft -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 49/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/190 Miles/ 52.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 10/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/298 Miles/ 91.0 Pts 49. 287 AU 19 BRTF BB H 141.0 Pts 2 race(s) 357 Miles FIVE S LOFT -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 48/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/160 Miles/ 53.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 13/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/196 Miles/ 88.0 Pts 50. 9507 AU 19 SIRP BC H 141.0 Pts 2 race(s) 344 Miles P & T Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 22/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/154 Miles/ 79.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 39/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/190 Miles/ 62.0 Pts 51. 4 AU 19 HOOS SB H 136.0 Pts 2 race(s) 338 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 44/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 57.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 22/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/187 Miles/ 79.0 Pts 52. 9147 AU 19 IND RC C 136.0 Pts 2 race(s) 482 Miles tbirdloft -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 43/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/187 Miles/ 58.0 Pts -300 MILE BLACKWATER 10/04/2019 23/ 57 Brds/ 8 Lfts/295 Miles/ 78.0 Pts 53. 157 AU 19 CRP BLK H 134.0 Pts 2 race(s) 357 Miles J. Swalls Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 57/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/160 Miles/ 44.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 11/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/196 Miles/ 90.0 Pts 54. 9101 AU 19 SIRP GRIZ H 121.0 Pts 2 race(s) 344 Miles P & T Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 52/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/154 Miles/ 49.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 29/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/190 Miles/ 72.0 Pts CHAMPION BIRD REPORT(WinSpeed - 3) page 5 55. 5933 AU 19 FOYS BB H 120.0 Pts 2 race(s) 360 Miles Full Send Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 45/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/162 Miles/ 56.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 37/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/198 Miles/ 64.0 Pts 56. 5955 AU 19 AA RC H 120.0 Pts 2 race(s) 360 Miles Full Send Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 50/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/162 Miles/ 51.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 32/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/198 Miles/ 69.0 Pts 57. 5909 AU 19 FOYS BB C 115.0 Pts 2 race(s) 360 Miles Full Send Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 46/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/162 Miles/ 55.0 Pts -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 41/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/198 Miles/ 60.0 Pts 58. 9008 AU 19 FDY GRIZ H 85.0 Pts 1 race(s) 159 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 16/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 85.0 Pts 59. 1946 IF 19 FJT BB H 83.0 Pts 1 race(s) 159 Miles Loft of Oz -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 18/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/159 Miles/ 83.0 Pts 60. 23 AU 19 FAMP BC H 77.0 Pts 1 race(s) 151 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 24/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 77.0 Pts 61. 2336 AU 19 ILL BBPD H 75.0 Pts 1 race(s) 195 Miles Loft of Oz -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 26/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/195 Miles/ 75.0 Pts 62. 6 AU 19 DEISH BC H 70.0 Pts 1 race(s) 243 Miles Loft of Oz -250 MILE YB BOW 09/20/2019 31/ 64 Brds/ 8 Lfts/243 Miles/ 70.0 Pts 63. 905 AU 19 RRV BB C 68.0 Pts 1 race(s) 196 Miles J. Swalls Loft -AUBURN 200 YB BOW 09/14/2019 33/ 67 Brds/ 8 Lfts/196 Miles/ 68.0 Pts 64. 5901 AU 19 FOYS BB H 61.0 Pts 1 race(s) 151 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 40/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 61.0 Pts 65. 5969 AU 19 AA BB H 50.0 Pts 1 race(s) 157 Miles Frakes Family Loft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 51/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/157 Miles/ 50.0 Pts 66. 39281 AU 19 ARPU BBWF H 47.0 Pts 1 race(s) 151 Miles tbirdloft -JERSEYVILLE IL 150 09/07/2019 54/ 87 Brds/ 9 Lfts/151 Miles/ 47.0 Pts